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Contrôle cohérent en présence de bruit quantique

12 Mai 2016

Ce séminaire organisé par l'institut Utinam est animé par Daniele Militello, du département de physique et de chimie de l'université de Palerme, en Italie.

Visuel d'illustration, amphithéâtre
Ludovic Godard

Adiabatic and quasi-adiabatic evolutions are crucial in the development of protocols for quantum control and, in general, manipulation of quantum states, which in turn are very important in such fields as nanotechnologies and quantum computation. In this wide class of quantum evolutions characterized by slowly varying Hamiltonians, Landau-Zener and STIRAP processes are among the most popular. Their real exploitability requires anyway an accurate analysis of possible detrimental effects of the environment-induced quantum noise, which can dramatically affect the final result of an experiment. In this seminar I will discuss the role of the environment on adiabatic and quasi-adiabatic processes, especially in the Markovian limit, also bringing to light some unusual behaviors traceable back to the occurrence of quantum Zeno phenomena.


14 h


Département de physique et de chimie de l'université de Palerme

Bernard Debray
03 81 66 69 00

Institut UTINAM


Salle de conférences

- Observatoire de Besançon

34 avenue de l’Observatoire
BP 1615 F
25010 Besançon Cedex

Tél. 03 81 66 69 00
