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Études astérosismiques : résultats récents et perspectives

10 Mai 2016

Ce séminaire organisé par l'institut Utinam sera animé par Andrea Miglio de l'école de physique et d'astronomie de l'université de Birmingham (Royaume-Uni).

Observatoire de Besançon
Nelly Botella

In the last decade the study and interpretation of global oscillations in stars has undergone a dramatic development thanks to the advent of space-based telescopes such as CoRoT and Kepler. In this contribution, Andrea Miglio will review our endeavours towards a detailed understanding of stellar structure and evolution and he will discuss the symbiosis between stellar seismology and both exoplanetary and Galactic science. He will then emphasise the wider significance of asteroseismology as a tool for testing stellar physics, with examples on how seismic predictions depend on our (often poor) knowledge of the relevant physics. Future prospects in the light of future ambitious space missions such as NASA-TESS and ESA-Plato will also be briefly presented.


10 h 30


Institut UTINAM


Salle de conférences

- Observatoire de Besançon

34 avenue de l’Observatoire
BP 1615 F
25010 Besançon Cedex

Tél. 03 81 66 69 00
